Regional Championships-1
Rock Hill, SC
March 28-30, 2025
Teams: 14, 16 Jacob
Rock Hill Sports and Event Center326 Technology Center WayRock Hill, SC 29730
For a stay to play event, you must book your hotel room using a certain link or room block code. Some tournaments allow you to book any hotel within their link and some require you to stay together with your team or club. Your coaches and team coordinator will help with these events. You are REQUIRED to book the hotels this way. If you do not book your rooms through the link or block, the club or team could face a penalty. These penalties could be: points deducted from a match or game, team fines, and even club fines.
Team Codes:
Team 14 G14BEAUF1PM
Team 16 G16BEAUF1PM
Team 18 G18BEAUF1PM
Adults 2 Day Pass - $10
Adults 1 Day Pass - $20
Children 17U - FREE
Spectator Seating & Food
Food, tables, and coolers are NOT allowed in the facilities. Food tables are NOT allowed to be setup anywhere inside the gyms or lobbies. Players may bring in water bottles in their backpacks. Portable sport chairs are NOT allowed due to space limitations. Seating will be provided around each court. NEW this year – food trucks will be present at the convention center. Concessions will be available for sale at the athletic center. Outside food/drinks are not allowed to be brought into the Convention Center. ​
The Palmetto Region has a NO-TOLERANCE policy on screaming, yelling, or making any derogatory remarks to ANY official (Up ref, down ref, line judges, or scorekeepers). Keep in mind…they are human…and most of the time they are kids. Penalty is immediate dismissal from gym, no warning. Region teams may face sanction to participate in future tournaments. Anyone, regardless of who started, will be immediately removed from venue.​
Any questions concerning the format or tournament rules must be addressed to your coach, they in turn can ask the championship desk. ​
If you team is not playing on your court, PLEASE show courtesy and allow teams who are playing to have seats around the court. DO NOT SAVE seats while not playing.
Tournament Rules
For Region Championships, there are not specific "Club" or "Power" divisions that teams can register for. Instead, all teams within an age group and are ranked/seeded according to their actual results throughout the season.
On Friday, teams start in one of two divisions. Don’t panic over the division name, it is simple a name. We seed all teams based on how they did over the entire season. Basically, the top group starts in the upper division and the lower group starts in the lower division. This provides teams better competition with teams closer in skill. Your rankings can be found on our website:
On Friday and Saturday, teams move up or down based on Win-Loss record.
Understand, if you are in the lower division, you will not have a path to Gold. This is due to how the team did over the season.
We encourage all to review the format and flow, provided on AES. Always check back, even up to day of the event for changes that may have taken place. Any format concerns must be addressed 2 weeks in advance.
Start Times & Schedule
Friday Times: Ticket Sales & Coaches check in open at 9:30 am and gate to access courts opens at 11am (not before). First games start at noon and could start up to 15 minutes early.
Saturday and Sunday gate and ticket sales open at 7am. Games begin at 8am and may start up to 15 mins early if teams are ready.
Friday play times will be divided into 2 waves, Early and Late. Early wave will start at noon. Later wave will start after 2 and up to 5PM. Check schedule in AES online. Friday will start earlier, IF teams are in attendance. Later waves normally are on time, maybe late, but check online to know your courts schedule.
Doubtful pools will run early on Friday, but once we start we can start up to 30 mins before schedule. Keep up with AES schedule online.
Saturday play times will also be in two waves: AM wave will start at 8am and PM wave will start about 2:30-3 pm. Saturday can run early, keep check with AES schedule
Any team who reports late to scheduled time as work team or playing team will be penalized 1 point per minute.
All teams advance to playoffs on Sunday, play begins at 8am for early scheduled teams. If you lose on Sunday, you ref another match, often on same court, but check schedule. Teams who play at 9am may have reffing duty at 8am – make sure you check your schedule. Missing a ref duty carries a fine and/or penalty. Sunday is SINGLE ELIMINATION.
During the event, Pool formats, start times, and schedules can be found in Advanced Event Systems. You can track your pools by accessing AES from any smart phone or computer.
Check AES before you leave the facility and check again later that day and the next day in case something changes.