Visit Palmetto Region Volleyballs Website.
Look for a tab that says Registration and click.
Look for the tab that says Junior Memberships and click.
You will scroll down the page until you see Purchasing a try out membership.
- You can click on a How to video to watch.
-You can click on the link that will take you to try out registration.
After you click on the try out membership registration link, you will log in or create a log in on Sports Engines website.
After you log in you will choose your player or add a player.
You will confirm your players information.
You will review your membership that you are purchasing. You will also review your players information on this page.
After you review your membership and player information, you will be taken to the checkout page. You will make sure you are paying for the correct membership and player then you will check out.
You should receive a confirmation email shortly after you have paid and completed the check out information. You should receive your try out membership card in your email. You can print this, add it to your mobile wallet or save it to your phone or device.
Please bring one of these copies with you on. your day of try outs.