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Travel and Developmental
Choose your payment plan
500$ÂAges 8-12Â- One time payment
Developmental - 2 Month
250$Every monthAges 8-12Valid for 2 months- 2 Month Plan
Developmental - 3 Month
167$Every monthAges 8-12Valid for 3 months- 3 Month Plan
Boys Volleyball - Plan 1
800$ÂOne Time PaymentÂ- Club Dues
Boys Volleyball - Plan 2
400$Every month2 month planValid for 2 months- Club Dues
Boys Volleyball - Plan 3
267$Every month3 month payment planValid for 3 months- Club Dues
1,500$ÂOne time paymentÂ- Club Dues
Plan 2
750$Every month2 month planValid for 2 months- Club Dues
Plan 3
500$Every month3 month payment planValid for 3 months- Club Dues
Practice Player - 1
700$ÂOne Time PaymentÂ- Club Dues
Practice Player - 3
233$Every month3 Month PlanValid for 3 months- Club Dues
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