
Club Dues
Your first payment will be due by, November 17, 2023 11:59pm.
There are different payment plans you can choose from. Please read through them carefully and choose the one thats best for you.
*If you do not make a payment by this date, your players jersey will NOT be ordered and you will be responsible for any additional costs to order separately.
Please visit our website to make a payment.
If you have our app, you make click on payments tab to make a payment.
All tryout memberships will need to be upgraded to the full membership. Please make sure to use the same email that you used when you purchased the tryout membership. You may click the link below to upgrade.
Click the link below to upgrade.
Athlete-Parent/Guardian Contract and Medical Waiver
Please make sure to read, fill out , and sign the Athlete-Parent/Guardian Handbook and Medical Waiver
This is required for all athletes.
Mobile App
We will be using a mobile app for communication this season.
Please download Spaces by Wix. Enter the code H447SA.

*if you played for us last year the old app will still work. You can keep using it or download the new one.
Developmental registration will open on December 1, 2023 . The cost this season will be $500.
Player Trainings
Check out this how to video if you are needing help to complete USAV trainings.
You will need to complete the following :
Libero tracker
Line judge
Team Store
We have custom water bottles available in our team store! Visit the shop on our website or app to purchase.
More items will be coming soon!

Business Hours:
Monday - Friday
9AM - 4:30 PM
Phone: (843) 865-6214
Torri McCullough "Coach Mac"
Leslie Webb

*Don't forget to follow us on our socials!